
I don't feel well so I didn't go to university today or yesterday. I didn't really do anything yesterday but I did finish reading 'Canon' by Chika Shiomi. I read it in Japanese for practice. I had been reading a few volumes of 'Phantom Thief Jeanne' before dropping it and it was pretty easy so I expected Canon to be the same but the first volume felt like bashing my head against a brick wall. I was tempted to put it on hold and come back to it but I forced myself to read the next volume and it was much easier.

The art is super nostalgic to me.
Canon itself as a manga was okay. I feel like if we had a few more chapters to get to know the main character and her love interest before the plot kicked in I would have cared more about what happened but we didn't so it felt like things moved way too quickly. But I guess the author doesn't get a say in how many chapter they get to finish a story.

Anyways, I can't be bothered to think of anything else to write for today so I'll add some pictures of one of the new Pinky St I got, I have never read the manga she came from and I probably never will but I love her design so I have her on my desk. I'll try to format the CSS for my future pictures while I'm at it.
I need to make a flickr or Photobucket (if it still exists?) account or something to host images so I don't run out of space.